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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  November 13, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PST

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i went downstairs and i saw this huge just gush of water and i got on my cell phone and called 911. residents could not believe what they were seeing. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. the cleanup is underway after that flood and mess made a
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midwest of the daly city neighborhood. tara moriarty was the first on the scene to bring us the dramatic pictures and is live to show us how the hillside has changed. tara? >> reporter: well, the hillside that got swept into the neighborhood, for right now, what the public crews works are trying to do is dig this street out of this landslide. tens of thousands of gallons of water mixed with mud gushed down the hillside. >> the entire lawn was covered. there was like a stream going down the street. >> reporter: he lived near the water creek where a pipe burst. >> i called 911. >> reporter: 40 people had toking evacuated -- to had to be
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evacuated. neighbors were in bewilderment. this woman's daughter said her car couldn't drive to work this morning. >> nobody can get out of the street. >> reporter: public crews and neighbors spent most of the morning trying to dig out of this. while the city repairs the broken pipe neighbors have much more concerns. does it make you worried it is unstable? >> i think so. >> reporter: now, luckily, no one was hurt and no degree got into one's home. the water was cutoff this the neighborhood. it's again's guess -- anyone's guess as to how long this will take. right now, we don't know what caused the pipe to rupture that. will be left up to the city to
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-- rupture. that will be left up to the city to investigate. they've done a lot of work over the past couple of hours. this was just covered in mud. as you can see now, it looks like they've gotten a majority of -- of this mud out of here. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, tara. you can go to the channel 2 website to see more images. the address is and mobile the strike at rayly's and nob hill foods lasted over a week but this noontime, a tentative settlement has been reached. we have new details and reaction. alex savidge join us live from alameda with more. >> reporter: well, neither side -- i should say both sides are claiming victory this afternoon. the particulars are not being
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made public until the officials have announced them. [ cheers ] >> reporter: these grocery workers celebrated after getting word the strike is over. negotiations went throughout the night and finally rayly's reached an agreement with the union representing 7500 employees. just like that, the picket signs were packed up in -- packed up in the back of this car. antonio said it's been a difficult time. >> we got what we wanted. >> reporter: the union spokesman said the settlement keeps current health benefits in place for everyone including retired employees. >> the company's attempt to get
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out of the trust funds has been beaten 679 they will still participate in -- beaten back. they will still participate in that. >> reporter: rayly's says this is very -- rayly's says this is very excite. [ cheers ] >> reporter: while workers haven't seen the details of the deal, they are calling this a big win and thanking the customers who refused to cross the picket lines. >> a strong supporter of unions. i think it's nice to see that the tide will be turning. >> reporter: i tried talk this morning with the manager of this store but he told me he's not allowed to speak publicly. workers who left to go on strike will be back in the stores. union members will be voting on the settlement agreement.
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and a spokesman says he expects it will be approved. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. hours ago a san francisco jury handed down a guilty verdict in the case of several violent sexual assaults. 32-year-old frederick dozier was convicted for attacks on 15 women. the jury did not convict him of ain't tempted murder but they found him guilty on the other charges. no word yet on sentencing. the executive director of the port of oakland is stepping down immediately. this is the latest development involving our news investigation into questionable expenses at the port. in his resignation later -- letter, he said he's stepping down because of the reimbursement which he says are
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obstacles too difficult to overcome. our investigation found that benjamin omar and james kwon were part of the group whose $4500 tab at a texas strip club was expensed to the port of oakland. kwan had also expensed haircuts, wine, massage par loss and golf outings. janine is live from san jose to explain what happened in the shooting of a marine in san jose in palm springs. >> reporter: well, this marine attended piedmont high school here in san jose his sophomore and junior here and then transferred out. are calling this a tragedy. here is picture of him. 22 years old. he was stationed out of 29 palms. police in palm springs say two bicycle officers heard yelling in a parking garage and when
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they entered, they recognized him and his marine friend from a public intoxication from earlier that night and the men started to yell derogatory comments. one of the officers reached in the car. >> the suspect accelerated directly toward the other officer. >> reporter: the officers both fired their weapons and shot him which resulted in his death. the passenger was uninjured. the marine's family told me on the phone he's a good man who served in afghanistan. they say what police is describing is completely out of character. there's an american flag and patriotic stickers. neighbors say the family was also -- the family was always proud of him. >> you think you are flying one
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second and something will happen. the next thing you know, you are going off the deep end. that's the war we face when we come home. >> reporter: a facebook page has been set up in the marine's memory. the family says his four-year enlistment was about to come to an end in january. they are grieving right now and didn't want to do any on-camera interviews or phone interviews. and wanted to be left in private to mourn. back to you. when we get back, a second woman and a new investigation tied to the scandal that is centered around the ex-cia director. rosemary says it's getting warmer. but that's not the big weather news. she tells you what's coming this weekend. they were in line for many hours and up past midnight.
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we'll hear if it's midnight. ?o?ooooóññ
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president obama began a series of meetings on the fiscal cliff today starting with a meeting with labor leaders. they say they are united with
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the president's proposal to raise taxes on the wealthiest americans while preserving middle-class tax cuts. the president meets with a dozen ceos tomorrow and then the four top congressional leaders on friday. the scandalous downfall of david petraeus has now widened to another high-ranking official. the top u.s. commander in afghanistan, general john allen, is under investigation now for possible inappropriate communication with jill kelley. she's also linked to the petraeus sex scandal. the fbi says that 20,000 to 30,000 pages of e-mails are under review. allen's nomination to head is now on hold. however, a pentagon spokesperson says he will remained in -- remain in
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afghanistan for now. >> the secretary has asked the president and the president has agreed to put his nomination on hold until the relevant facts are determined. >> kelley claims she received threatening e-mails from general petraeus' mistress, paula broadwell, which triggered this investigation. overnight, allen told pentagon officials that he had done nothing wrong. tonight, the morago school board is expected to vote on revisions to the district's policy on child abuse prevention and reporting. school board trustees will discuss a lawsuit filed by the former joaquin intermediate student who said she was abused. she's suing the district and former administrators alleging they ignored her claims. two other students have filed lawsuits against the district. the san mateo county da is
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-- is considering whether to refile charges against a man killing an activist. the judge threwout the charges against him because police obtained a confession after ignoring his request for a lawyer -- for a lawyer. john mcafee, the silicon valley creator of the anti- virus soft nare named after him is being called a person of interest in a murder investigation. police in belize are apparently looking for him in connection with the killing of a 52-year- old builder from florida who is also a neighbor in belize. last week, that man filed a former -- formal complaint.
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mcakey contacted wired magazine to say he's hiding from belize police because he believes they want to kill him. police cameras will go up along 23rd street. here's 30 cameras being incalled -- installed along the mcdonald corridor. 80 cameras were installed in richmond. the aclu opposes these cameraing say they are an invasion of privacy and rarely reduce crime. a cal state university plan to impose fees on so-called super seniors is off the table for now. the csu board of trustees was set to discuss the proposal this afternoon but it was removed from the agenda. trustees say the proposal is designed to open up space for incoming students by pushing
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current students to graduate more quickly. students were outraged over the plan saying it would can be students at the time when the just approved proposition 30 will pump new money into the system. >> i remember the night of elections i was checking those polls constantly. and now there is a fact -- and now there's another situation that we have to be ready for, it's a little disappointing. >> jerry brown is expected to be at the meeting in long beach. and gavin newsom praised the board for the decision. he said -- the new ferry service between south san francisco and the east bay needs to boost rider -- ridership if it is going to continue to get local
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transit subsidies. more americans are expected to travel for the thanksgiving holiday this year compared to last year but aaa says the trips will be shorter. aaa just released its annual thanksgiving travel forecast and they predict that 43 million americans will travel at least 50 miles from home. that's up almost 1% from 2011. rape expects gas prices to keep dropping through the thanksgiving holiday. good afternoon to you. a warmer day is shaping up around the bay area. ample sunshine outside our doors from the coast to mt. diablo. just a few high clouds passing through. that's really about it. mostly sunny skies good to
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moderate air quality. a ridge of high pressure overhead that will continue to warm us up. we're looking at 60 degrees right now in oakland. 61 in sfo. low 60s in sfo. low 60s fairfield. 64 in livermore, 64 degrees in san jose. the satellite radar here giving you a view from up above, a weak disturbance passing through the northwest, the threat is there. for us, it's just the high clouds and that's really about it. so plenty of sunshine in sore for today. temperature also continue to barm. we do have rain continuing to the area. i'm gonna show you what happens. picking it up at this hour, there's the rain, the storm track to the north. wednesday looks good, thursday, increasing clouds. friday morning could be a wet morning commute. this is gonna change the pattern bringing wet weather for the area. let's enjoy today. we do have mostly sunny skies.
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anywhere from 3 to 6 degrees warmer from where we sat 24 hours ago at this hour. temperatures 7% in santa rosa, mid-60s for san rafael. 64 sausalito. these numbers a bit above average. 66 danville. 67 for you pleasanton. mostly sunny skies, san jose, 68 for you. 69 for los gatos. 70 peg -- 70 expected in san mateo. 64 for san francisco. low to mid-60s expected along the coastline with mostly sunny skies. there is your extended forecast. midweek wednesday looks to be the warmest day. 70s in the forecast. we do ville a -- we do slip a little bit on thursday. and then showers arriving on friday morning. we'll be on and off with showers, friday, saturday. temperatures will be cooler and then on sunday it looks like a steady rain.
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>> okay. the time of year when we should be expecting rain. thank you. >> you are welcome. hundreds of video game fans braved the cold weather overnight to get their handed on one of the hottest games of the year. >> 3, 2, 1! [ cheers ] >> that was the scene in san francisco where about 400 people lined up. they were waiting for the midnight release of the new call of duty black ops ii. the game is set in the year 2025 and features plenty of weapons and zombies. >> i've seen some -- some. game play for zombies and i really liked it so i dime buy it. >> some of the people in line showed up at early as 5:30 to get their hands on the game. it was a similar scene in the east bay. this is what it looked like in antioch. the game store even brought in a band to entertain them.
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nun four people are expected to call in sick today in order to play the game. the sun is setting on the twilight saw ga, the last firm in the series was last night in hollywood. hundreds of fans camped in a -- camped -- camped in downtown los angeles. a shake up for microsoft. we'll show you how people rushed to opening day at a mall in livermore.
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[ female announcer ] fortunately, sam was born at sutter health's alta bates summit medical center. [ woman ] the staff was remarkable. they made me feel safe, trusting, cared for. [ giggles ] they saved his life. i owe all of them my son. [ female announcer ] alta bates summit medical center and sutter health -- our story is you. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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u.s. stocks are mixed after european leaders postponed the latest package. home seams are up 4% and taking a live look at the big board, the dow is currently down 35. the nasdaq is down 15. s&p down 3. another stock to watch is microsoft down nearly -- down just over 3% right now. the reason, the microsoft executive who had been expected to be the next ceo is now leaving the world's largest softwaremaker. he had been head of the windows unit and is leaving after the launch of windows 8. he had been with microsoft for 23 years and his departure was unexpected. neither he nor microsoft gave any explanation. hundred of thousands of
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shoppers visited the new pargaom mall. preliminary numbers intercade -- indicate 350,000 visitors between thursday and sunday. because of all of the shoppers, call officials were forced to open two auxiliary parking lots an those were still full and opened yesterday. some san francisco business owners want to ban restaurants from opening on va sensia street. the -- valencia street. they are asking for a moratorium between 16th and 24th. mission district business owners say rents in the area have tripled because of the concentration of restaurants and also encourages people from shopping in the daytime. 16 new restaurants have opened since last spring. the christmas tree at the santano row shopping center will be lit tonight at 7:00.
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this will all kicks off at 3:00 when you can get your picture taken with santa. today on the news at 5:00, we're continuing to follow the water pipe break in daly city. what we've learned about the cause and when residents who have been evacuated will be allowed to return to their homes. thank you for trusting the news. we'll see you the next time news breaks.
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